Behind the scenes: Crafting ‘Hear My Voice’

Hello, fellow music and cabaret enthusiasts! I’m Alexandra Frost, writer, producer and vocalist of Hear My Voice, a show inspired by the power of the voice and shaped by my own personal story of growing up with a voice that sits outside the norm for a female.

I’m excited to take you on a journey behind the scenes of Hear My Voice Season 2. As the countdown to the show begins, join us on an exclusive journey behind the scenes, exploring the passion, challenges, and creative process that bring this cabaret to life.

Ed Heddle, my fabulous jazz pianist/keyboard player, is overseas letting the music percolate, adding an extra layer of excitement to the upcoming rehearsals. Meanwhile, I’m knee-deep in minor script and music revisions and prepping for our first performance at the new Fringe venue, Plant 4 Bowden Mezzanine. 

Setting the Stage with a range of powerful, emotive melodies with a touch of humour:

Our musical playlist is a mosaic of soulful tunes from legends like Nina Simone, Blossom Dearie, Storm Large, Gregory Porter, Nat King Cole, Gershwin, and more. Get ready for a medley that’s bound to stir your soul and have you on the edge of your seat.

I can’t wait to share these gems with you under the lights at Plant 4 Bowden and experiencing them within a cabaret context. 

I personally love the way cabaret allows us to hear a song differently, in the context of a narrative that lends itself to that particular lyric and emotion.

I enjoy the process of drawing the listener in and challenging their experience and interpretation of a song to highlight something different that supports or even tells the story when words are not enough. 

Crafting the Tale:

Shaping Hear My Voice was a nine-month journey of script refinement, involving a huge 820 edits and carefully intertwining musical elements. It’s been an unforgettable personal exploration, a journey I was not fully prepared for, tapping into a range of emotions that now enrich the very fabric of the show. 

Writing a Cabaret show is not for the faint hearted and requires courage, bravery and mentorship which I received in spades, but its rewards personally and professionally are beyond measure. 

I was lucky enough to have local and international cabaret royalty Amelia Ryan and Michael Griffiths take me on this journey of discovery and creativity with such generosity, skill and compassion; the likes of which I have never come across before. Their legacy is felt in the show!

Amelia’s ability to carve out the gold, cut through all those extra words and ideas was matched by Michael’s musical skills and creativity musically to bring it all together into a harmonious synergy.

Together these two mentors are an impressive combination and their support for emerging artists is legendary.

I count myself lucky to have experienced this privilege of their mentorship and direction as they made sure that my voice was fully heard. When I almost gave up thinking this was never going to move from the “messy middle” to a refined show, they were there to encourage and guide with the skill, direction and heart that they are known for. 

 From Concept to Centre Stage:

Transforming ideas into a live performance is no small feat. Selecting a title and a focus for the show, coming up with the right songs, completing the writing of it is no mean feat. Securing a venue, assembling all the people needed to assist, and navigating the intricacies of logistics, marketing, advertising and creativity concurrently – it’s almost akin to orchestrating a symphony!

Being part of the Adelaide Fringe Festival adds a unique experience and the buzz that Adelaide is known for at this time of year, and I’m thrilled to bring this experience to you as part of the Adelaide Fringe.

Local Vibes at Plant 4 Bowden:

After launching our show at Nexus Arts last year, our new artistic cabaret/music and comedy hub, Bowden Fringe at Plant 4 Bowden, radiates an energy that sets the perfect backdrop for creativity and further development. Every space provides new opportunities and challenges. 

Plant 4 Bowden is not just a venue; it’s an artistic haven nestled in the heart of creativity, with a dedicated community focus.

As you step into this vibrant space, you’ll find yourself immersed in an atmosphere that effortlessly combines industrial charm with a contemporary, homely and welcoming vibe – the perfect setting for a performance of Hear My Voice.

I extend an invitation to each of you to join us, support local talent, and immerse yourself in an evening of fantastic music and cabaret. Grab your tickets, rally your crew, and let’s make it a memorable Sunday or Saturday night.

Your All-Access Pass:

Don’t miss out on the musical magic – secure your tickets on the Adelaide Fringe website.

And after the final notes fade, exit via Plant 3 Bowden which is on your way out, grab a drink or a bite to eat, and join me there to share some thoughts and reflections. Take the opportunity to sign up on my mailing list if you would like to hear about future performances. 

I’d personally love to hear your voice after the show. To know what resonated with you, what songs you loved, what messages came through for you, would be so appreciated. The essence and value of performance for me,  is at its heart connection and communication. 

The value of true authenticity and imperfection

Cabaret is an art form that allows for a profoundly personal and intimate experience.

For me personally, the best reward as a performer is the realisation that my work has connected with the audience, whether it has provoked thought, inspired, made someone feel or remember something, entertained or moved others.

Technical perfection is one thing to be admired, but a true artist/audience connection through presence, authenticity, vulnerability and bravery is an entirely different experience that always stays with us as artists and as an audience.

As a performer, the latter is what I stand for, and how I wish to be remembered by those who see me perform and work with me creatively.

In Conclusion

Hear My Voice Season 2 promises an unforgettable experience, and I’d love to have you there. Book your tickets here:, and for a sneak peek, check out our promo video:  

As Steve Davis said so well in his 2023 review  from The Adelaide Show, ‘Hear My Voice is a rally call to anybody whose personal or physical attributes sit outside what’s considered “normal”. In this show, Alexandra Frost demonstrates how there can be peace and even bliss achieved when we accept the hand we’ve been dealt; instead of striving to fit into some mythical box of expectations, we should find the courage to surrender to fate and yield to our uniqueness” 

Looking forward to an extraordinary afternoon or evening at Plant 4 Bowden – where the music meets the soul! We can’t wait to see you there at one of our upcoming performances. Until then…  

Warmly, Alexandra (aka Blossom – you will need to come to the show to find out about her)

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